Normal EF | EPSS (Quantified) | M Halperin | Bronx NY

POCUS cardiac, in clip 1, shows a normal ejection fraction (EF). To revisit last week's topic, how exactly do we assess EF? Focus on the anterior leaflet of the mitral valve in the parasternal long axis view. In diastole, this leaflet opens as blood flows from the left atrium to the left ventricle. But EF refers to systole, right? Great question—here, diastolic motion serves as a surrogate for systolic function. A well-opening anterior mitral valve leaflet results in a small EPSS (E Point Septal Separation), meaning the distance between the leaflet tip and septal wall is short, indicating good systolic function.

EPSS M Mode tracing shows distance from peak of A wave to the septum measuring 3mm.

Quantifying the EPSS may be helpful until you're comfortable visually estimating it. The cursor highlights the line with two peaks—Early diastole (E wave) and the Atrial kick (A wave). An M-mode tracing through the anterior mitral valve leaflet tip produces this pattern. The pointer marks the E wave, where we measure the distance to the septum—3 mm in this case. Anything under 7 mm generally indicates a good EF.